
29. October 2015| by Angela Kirwan

Using an Office Cleaning Service will Save you Money

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As a business owner, one of your most important assets may just be having a clean and attractive office. Clients, customers, investors, and even potential employees, equate cleanliness with success. When you present a clean environment, you offer a comfortable space to conduct business. It will also encourage repeat visits to your establishment without hesitation. Unfortunately, you likely do not have the time to clean your office yourself. In that case, hiring professional office cleaners is one of the simplest and smartest investments you can make.

In-house cleaners are cost prohibitive

Time is money. That old adage is most definitely true. If you employ your own office cleaner, you are paying for every minute that that person is on the clock. That includes wages, benefits, insurance, and taxes. You’ll be paying for a full day of work whether they are spending that entire time cleaning or not. Chances are good they aren’t cleaning 100% of the time. Also, they are probably not using the most efficient or even the most effective methods to keep your office clean. In addition to the regular costs of employing your cleaner, you will likely have some start-up costs to hire those employees. You could possibly need to spend money on advertising, training, supervising staff, and materials. Isn’t that money better spent elsewhere?

Benefits of professional office cleaning services

When you choose to hire a professional cleaning company to handle your office cleaning needs, you will save both time and money. You will also be saving energy and resources. Initially, a professional office cleaning company will have already incurred the costs of hiring and training cleaners. Also, a quality cleaning company will be well versed in efficient cleaning processes and methods. Beyond that, a professional cleaning company has knowledge of health and safety regulations and will ensure that your office is in compliance.

In addition to saving energy and resources by hiring a professional office cleaning company, you will also save yourself the burden of materials and equipment. If you choose to keep your office cleaning in-house, you would have to make expensive investments. For example, you would need a commercial vacuum cleaner, commercial carpet cleaner, commercial floor waxer/buffer, commercial window cleaning equipment, and the necessary materials to accompany all. All of this equipment could easily cost you thousands of dollars. Beyond that, you would need to ensure you have a space to store these machines and supplies.

Another consideration is the due-diligence required of professional office cleaning. In-house staff would need to be trained on the use and upkeep of professional cleaning equipment. Additionally, steps would need to be taken to properly and safely store the chemicals used for cleaning. There may also be rules and regulations regarding the disposal of cleaning waste and debris. A professional office cleaning company will already be armed with all of this information.

Make the smart choice when it comes to office cleaning

Why go to so much trouble when you could turn to a professional office cleaning company to handle all of your cleaning needs? Presumably you are in the business you are in because you are an expert in your particular field. Well, a professional office cleaner is an expert in their field, too. The field of office cleaning. Hire someone who can use their knowledge and expertise to keep your office clean, safe, and healthy for your employees and clients.

A professional office cleaning service will also protect your bottom line. A cleaning company will service your office on the days and during times that you specify, as opposed to an in-house employee. You also have control over which services you want performed and when. Do you and your business a favor and invest in a professional office cleaning service today.

Are you a Melbourne business owner or manager? Are you looking for quality office cleaning services?

Contact the professionals at Ankars for a free quote.

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