Blog: Commercial Cleaning

How Professional Commercial Cleaning Services Can Help You

Commercial cleaning services can be of great use to a business’s daily operations. With our reliable and convenient services, we offer professional and high-quality services throughout the Brisbane area. Your business deserves the best, and we are here to help you achieve that with ease and reliability.

The Benefits Of Professional Commercial Cleaning For Your Business

1) Reduced Spread Of Germs

Dust and particles carry germs and other allergy-causing factors. In an office that is cleaned regularly, these are less likely to spread, which means healthier employees and fewer sick days.

2) Professional Appearance

The image of your business is essential to your clients, especially new ones who still need to be sold on your product/ service. With a space and office that appears neat and clean, clients and potential clients are highly likely to find you more reliable and professional, which will result in better revenue.

3) Morale Booster

Employees will find a neat and clean environment more manageable to work in, and with a positive mood boost, they will interact better and have greater employee satisfaction.

4) Increased Employee Productivity: 

Employees are highly likely to work better in a tidy, organised environment, resulting in increased productivity.

5) Cost Saving Over Long-Term

If dust, dirt and contaminants remain uncleaned over a period of time, these will either need more intensive cleaning or may not be able to be cleaned, which may result in damage. With regular cleaning, carpet stains and discolouration can be avoided.

What We Offer

Our services cover multiple industries, such as:

  • Corporate spaces
  • Retail outlets
  • Primary schools and high schools
  • Health centres
  • Body corporate spaces
  • Office spaces
  • Nightclubs
  • Hospitals

We strive to provide safe, affordable, high-quality work, as well as a range of cleaning products and consumables.

Why You Should Consider Us For The Job

Being a family-run business with 34 years of experience, we are confident that we can meet your Brisbane commercial cleaning needs and provide you with reliability you can trust. We have built a strong name within the Brisbane community and have taken pride in serving many businesses in the area.

Let us help you find the best solution for your business. Get in touch with us for a free quotation or assessment, and let us take care of the commercial cleaning services for your Brisbane-based business.

7. October 2022| by Ankars

Commercial Cleaners And Your Business Reputation

A straightforward and manageable way to stay in control of how other businesses, clients and consumers view your commercial business is by keeping your premises crystal clean. If you have multiple buildings situated country or worldwide, it is even more important to hire professional cleaners to ensure every branch and every building is being held to the same standard. One way to do this is to use the best professional commercial cleaners in Brisbane to get the job done correctly every time.

Impress The Clientele 

Keeping things clean and in order is a reputation management strategy. When clients or consumers enter your business premises, you do not have to be embarrassed or worried that they may perceive your building in a negative light. Attention to detail may draw in the consumer more as they recognise how well-kept and on the ball your company may be. If you have ever walked into a building and the smell of mould wafted towards you, you are less inclined to want to spend time in that space, never mind invest your money there.

Reinforce Your Brand’s Quality 

If your business is associated with poor building maintenance and dirty premises, you may be putting your company’s brand, products, services and reputation all at stake. Control the perception that the public has of you by controlling something seemingly insignificant as how orderly and clean your commercial building is. By sticking to a cleaning schedule, nothing will be left covered in dust or mould. The orifices of the office cleaning services Brisbane will be diagnosed, gutted and cured right on schedule.

Remaining Professional 

If you opt for your own employees to be in charge of keeping the office clean, you may unintentionally create a poor image for your company. By hiring professionals that stick to their profession and do their job well, you create a more work-orientated environment where your employees can focus on what is important to them.

Contact the professional and best commercial cleaners in Brisbane to tackle your commercial premises. Call us at Ankars Cleaning for personalised service and regain control of your company’s image. Enhance your reputation management strategy and create an image you can uphold.

23. September 2022| by Ankars

Need To Know Advantages Of Hiring A Commercial Cleaning Service

Some of the biggest and most successful companies in the world hire professional commercial cleaners to maintain a sanitary work environment. The difference between commercial cleaners and your run of the mill “do it all” cleaners is the special attention to detail and the considerations and efficiency required for office spaces which are typically much larger than homes and other premises. There is a mountain of perks that comes with hiring these sanitation specialists. If you’ve been oohing and aahing about making the hygienic decision, here are the most prominent advantages.

  1. Less Administrative Costs

No matter the billing system that your company runs on, it remains so that overhead and administrative costs take away from profits earned. If you consider hiring professionals to keep your environment organised and sanitary, from a financial perspective, it makes complete sense. If you were to rely on your workforce to maintain the space instead, you’re looking at having to pay premium salary rates for cleaning. Outsourcing, on the other hand, ensures competitive pricing and having the job done right.

  1. Fewer Liability Risks

Business liability is something you have to worry about just with your desk jockey, imagine the potential risks if they’re required to carry heavy cleaning equipment, possible allergic reactions, etc. Let your employees do what they were hired for, it’s best for everyone this way.

  1. Fewer Sick Days

A light cleaning or a few tasks here and there are far from the thorough job that professionals would do. A simple wipe down is not going to do much against the dust, debris and bacteria that are building up just below the surface. A clean, sanitary environment means fewer circulating germs and other illness-causing contributing factors.

  1. Consistent Supply Replenishment

Office supplies that fall under the hygiene and cleanliness spectrum will be taken care of and you or your staff members won’t need to keep an eye out to make sure that there is still enough loo paper to go around. Trash bags, sanitisers, hand soap, window cleaner, etc. are all supplies that the professional Brisbane commercial cleaning service will take care of on your behalf. Efficient, isn’t it?

Are you ready to take advantage of the convenience and thoroughness that these cleaning services can offer your commercial space? If so, the best ones for the job have to be the professional cleaners at Ankars Commercial Cleaning Service in Melbourne. Contact us today!

31. March 2020| by Ankars

Reasons Why Businesses Need Commercial Cleaning Services in Moorabbin

Commercial cleaning is putting the home bucket and mop on steroids. You have a bigger space and need a bigger cleaning force. This is why commercial cleaning services are optimal for offices, large buildings, restaurants and retail stores. Standard commercial cleaning services include your daily cleaning duties such as sweeping and mopping, dusting, vacuuming, taking out trash and recycle bins as well as keeping the kitchen and restroom areas clean at all times.

You can’t operate a business and do all the cleaning, right? And you can’t expect employees to turn their focus on cleaning when they should be working. Neither can you expect them to function in an untidy workplace. You’d be surprised at how a bad smell or a dust covered desk will decrease productivity! Read on to see why you need commercial cleaning services in your business and for your office space.

Creates A Good First Impression

No one wants to do business with a company that’s office is dirty, unorganised and messy. Neither does anyone want to work in one. Leaving a good first impression for everyone that walks into your building can make or break your business and either welcome or deter business visitors. Quality office cleaning can enhance the image of your office and create a welcoming atmosphere and a professional environment. and safe work space. When you get in the commercial cleaning, your business premises will also be neat and inviting for those working within it and those visiting it.

A Clean Business Environment Is A Healthy One

Business owners need to adhere to health and safety rules regulations and ensure their offices are maintained and achieve high levels of cleanliness. Home cleaning supplies alongside a single broom and one toilet spray just won’t cut it when it comes to cleaning large buildings. With this in mind it’s beneficial – in fact necessary – to hire in the big cleaning guns.

Commercial cleaning crews will ensure everything is bright and shiny from top to bottom. A clean space prevents any health incidents for those suffering from asthma or allergies and prevents accidents such as falling over obstacles which have been left on the floor. And let us not forget the health hazards you’ll be avoiding with a clean and germ-free kitchen space.

Improves Employee Productivity

Believe it or not a dirty untidy environment affects our daily work lives more than we realise. When a workplace is clean and tidy, employees are less likely to become sick which increases productivity and reduces absenteeism. A clean space creates a feeling of organisation which makes it easier to focus. It boosts workplace morale and instils a sense of pride in every employee.

It’s Time To Call In The Professionals!

Ankars Commercial Cleaning Services provide you with trusted and professional services every time. We have the knowledge, skills, experience and equipment to do the best job for your business and your office space. Visit our website for more information!

Related Tags: Cleaning Service Melbourne, Cleaning Business Melbourne,Office Cleaner Melbourne

24. January 2020| by Ankars

Dismissed! 4 Popular Myths About Commercial Cleaning in Port Melbourne

How many times have you rolled your eyes at the suggestion that you may need to outsource your office cleaning needs? What made you sceptical about the idea? Perhaps you already have a company that does your cleaning, but you’re unhappy with their work. Or you tried it once, and you weren’t convinced. Many business managers and owners have been misled and misinformed about what precisely commercial cleaning in Port Melbourne entails. This means there are more dirty office spaces than there should be. In this blog, we clear the air on things untrue (and perhaps half-true) about hiring a cleaning company to help you out.

1: Commercial Cleaning Services are Too Expensive

Okay, we’ll start with a half-truth. The assumption that you won’t be able to afford commercial cleaning holds no water if you haven’t tested it with facts. The best way to find out what a cleaning budget looks like is to look for different quotes and compare them. This way, you know for sure if you can afford it – we bet you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

2: If Your Company’s Small, There’s No Need to Hire Cleaners

A blatant lie. The employees that you currently have are there to do what you hired them for, not to clean. Workspaces need to be kept clean, no matter their size. Professional cleaning has health and safety benefits, so it’s definitely worth it.

3: All We Need is a Bit of Bleach to Get Rid of Germs

It’s not enough to buy bleach and use it to wash or wipe everything. Germs are different, depending on which room they’re in and where they come from. Cleaning experts have access to products and equipment that kills bacteria and protects surfaces all in one.

4: Keeping a Clean Office Does Nothing for Productivity

Studies have shown that healthy staff is a productive staff. A dust- and mould-free environment prevents respiratory issues and fatigue from taking over. This allows your employees to be present more often and get more work done.

See? There’s much value to gain from hiring the right company to take care of your commercial cleaning in Port Melbourne. What matters is that you get informed before you decide. A clean office is great for you, your employees, and your clients. Contact us to see exactly how it’s done.

16. December 2019| by Ankars

5 Top Tips for Choosing A Commercial Cleaning Company In Richmond

Every company has a process they follow for recruiting new employees. Why? Well, because you don’t want to waste your hard-earned money paying the wrong person while they flop at their job. The same should be true when it comes to selecting a suitable commercial cleaning company in Richmond. You can’t just leave it up to chance or hope for the best. You have to actively seek a service provider who’ll bring everything you need to the table. Here are some tips on how you can make the right decision.

Tip #1: Check for Qualifications & Membership to Industry Organisations

It’s essential to hire a company that’s committed to knowing as much about their industry as possible. Education and training certificates can stand as proof of this commitment. It also helps if they’re a member of an industry organisation, because that means they adhere to a set standard of service to which they’re accountable.

Tip #2: Ask About Vetting Procedures for Employees

Safety is paramount when outsourcing a cleaning service. Your company’s physical and intellectual property is at risk, so it only makes sense that you hire a company that screens its staff for safety risks beforehand. This protects both businesses in the long run.

Tip #3: Match Up Your Operating Schedule to Theirs

Search for a commercial cleaning service that’s available when you need them to be. This minimises schedule clashes for things such as granting access to the building.

Tip #4: Investigate if They Offer All the Services You Require

We don’t all need the same things, so look for a package that speaks to your company’s needs. Ask if you can cut out or add on any extras. This should steer your decision.

Tip #5: Make Sure They Use Environmentally Friendly Methods & Products

Most businesses these days are trying to go green to save the planet. If yours is one such, then you should look for a commercial cleaning company that values the environment as well. This will reflect in the equipment, disposal processes, and cleaning products that they use.

You don’t have to turn into Inspector Gadget to find good commercial cleaning in Richmond. You just have to know what to focus on. With this easy guide in hand, you’ll make the perfect match in no time. Call us if you’d like a free quote today.

27. November 2019| by Ankars

How To Take On Communal Cleaning

Ever walk through your office kitchen and cringe at the number of dirty dishes lying in the sink? Or have you ever noticed how untidy the break area is left after lunch every day? It can be frustrating and stressful for any office manager just as much as it is for the rest of the team. Not only will employees feel less motivated to perform in a chaotic space, but it can also be unhygienic and harmful to your office’s occupants. Before you urgently start procuring contact details for commercial cleaning businesses in the area, you may want to start a clean-up of policy and culture in your workplace.

Unfortunately, sometimes employees feel that they aren’t being paid to clean up after themselves or to keep their surroundings in a neat condition. They may feel that the responsibility is not theirs and should fall on others. This is a cultural issue within your commercial office cleaners, and you need to address it as a priority, but how do you do it?

1) Start Communicating Clearly 

It’s time to gather your employees and talk to them about the cleanliness of the workplace, why they should keep communal areas clean and how their disregard affects their output and mood. You’re likely to get some pushback, so it’s important that you hear out their concerns without singling out any specific people. Rather give examples to validate the cultural shift.

2) Implement Guidelines

Based on the outcomes of your sit down with the rest of the office, you can determine problem areas and how to tackle them. It’s vital that you implement policy changes immediately so that your employees remain on board and see your willingness to work in a cleaner environment. Place clear signs around the kitchen reminding people to wash up and pack away their dishes. Allow employees a 20-minute break on a Friday afternoon to tidy up communal areas and their desk, incentivising them with going home early.

3) Stick To Your Policies 

Often policy changes only really last a few weeks and that’s because people tend to get lax about it. It’s crucial that you motivate employees every week to regularly update them on how they’re doing. It’s also advisable to immediately alert them to when these areas are falling behind, instead of waiting for it to become overwhelming.

Lastly, if you still aren’t achieving the required level of cleanliness in your kitchen and breakroom areas, it’s time to search for commercial cleaning businesses that can help you. It is possible that your team just can’t find the time to clean up those areas and you need to be reasonable with how to deal with the problem. Contact Ankars Commercial Cleaning North Melbourne, as we’re dedicated to helping you work in a healthy and stimulating environment.

Related Tags: Cleaning Office Services, Cleaning Service Melbourne

21. August 2019| by Ankars

Best Practices For Commercial Cleaning In Your Sunshine Office

When you’re tasked with cleaning a large building in Melbourne’s Sunshine that is filled with many employees, it isn’t a simple undertaking as the job is more complex and has more rules than a standard household To get the job done correctly and easily there are some tried and tested best practices you can follow. Here are a few of them to get started.

Cleaning Products

Using environmentally-friendly products is vital. Your cleaning staff is expected to use these products all day, every day, so they cannot be harmful. If it has an unpleasant smell that affects the building, it could irritate the people in the building, or cause allergic reactions.


If you manage a team who are responsible for your day to day cleaning, you should cross-train them. Cross-training means that while every person has a particular duty or task that they’re in charge of, they’re also provided with training to fill-in and complete the functions of other roles. This means that nothing is left incomplete, and your team still finished the job in good time.

Don’t Spread Bacteria

It’s critical that different cloths or sponges are used in different areas. Even if you use anti-bacterial cleaning products, some germs and bacterium can still be spread. If you use the same cleaning cloth in the bathroom and the kitchen, people could get ill from this unhygienic practice.

Prevent Wastage

Wastage can become a big problem if your cleaning staff is using too much of a product during their workday. Often, a small amount is adequate to clean and disinfect effectively, so to prevent waste, pour the cleaning products into pre-measured, single-use bottles or containers.

Go Beyond

In many commercial buildings, it’s not enough to only clean the floors and bathrooms. A dirty office would not look good to a client, and things like grubby flooring and smudged windows are easily noticeable if you aren’t looking at them all day. Try to go beyond the basics by shampooing carpets, steaming curtains, washing windows and deep cleaning couches.

In some instances, cleaning is best performed after hours so that your staff work without getting in the way or feeling rushed. However, if you find that your daily cleaning requires supplementation, you can contact Ankars for a commercial cleaning service in Sunshine, Melbourne.

8. January 2019| by Angela Kirwan

5 Tips To Complement The Commercial Cleaning At Your Oakleigh Office For 2019

The year is almost over and this last stretch, together with the scorching sun, can make the office feel like an unpleasant place to be. Sure, your cleaning services are still doing the job, but couldn’t you do anything extra to make the space look even better as the new year approaches? The Ankars Commercial Services team has plenty of ideas. Use these awesome tips to up the ante on the commercial cleaning your Oakleigh property is already benefiting from.

#1: A Deep Clean On All Your Floors Is A Great Place To Start 

Start by arranging a deep cleaning treatment for your floors. It doesn’t matter whether you have tiles, wood or carpets – as long as the right equipment and tools are used for a lasting clean and sheen, the office will be on the right track towards looking brand new.

#2: Spring (Or Summer) Clean The Break Room

The designated room for eating and social time is a clutter hotspot. From getting rid of decades-old ageing condiments in the cupboards to cleaning up long lost breadcrumbs under the microwave, there’s a lot you can do in this space. Consider replacing older, large appliances with smaller, smart devices.

#3: Make Sure The Windows Are Squeaky Clean

Window stains may seem insignificant at first glance. However, a clean office with dirty windows looks dirty. You could just hire a company, like Ankars, that does commercial cleaning in Oakleigh to do the dirty work for you if your team can’t get to it without help.

#4: Bring A Touch Of Nature Into Space

Out with the old (probably dead) plants and in with the new. Look for bright-coloured local plants that aren’t complicated to maintain. They’ll give the office a happy, tropical feel and bring in some fresh air. A small water feature could take this kind of floral instalment to the next level. Don’t be shy to try new things as long as it’s something you can manage.

#5: Consider Getting New Artwork From An Auction

It’s easier to notice stains and marks on empty walls, and it’s also more stressful to look at. An original art piece or two could uplift the entire space and add to the company’s list of assets.

Need some help with commercial cleaning in North Melbourne and Oakleigh? Request a free quote or call us on 1800 700 778.

10. December 2018| by Angela Kirwan
As our corporate office cleaning contractor we could not be more happy with Ankars Cleaning Service. They not only clean our premises but supply all our cleaning products, office food and drinks, at...
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