
How A Professionally Cleaned Workspace From Commercial Building Cleaning Services Boosts Staff Wellbeing

When you think about all the possible factors involved in keeping your staff happy and productive, what comes to mind? Good pay, fair hours, incentives, teambuilding events? What about a clean, clutter-free and hygienic work environment? While most people wouldn’t rank it up there as a first priority, studies have shown that the subconscious impact…

25. February 2020| by Ankars

Basic Office Commercial Cleaning Practices You Need To Know About!

With over 34 years in the cleaning industry, Ankars Commercial Cleaning Services has seen the cleanliest and dirtiest office spaces around. We’ve seen deep cleans and we’ve seen cobwebs in corners and dust layered as thick as butter. There are different levels of cleaning and what we’ve noticed is that some business owners think they’re…

29. January 2020| by Ankars

Reasons Why Businesses Need Commercial Cleaning Services in Moorabbin

Commercial cleaning is putting the home bucket and mop on steroids. You have a bigger space and need a bigger cleaning force. This is why commercial cleaning services are optimal for offices, large buildings, restaurants and retail stores. Standard commercial cleaning services include your daily cleaning duties such as sweeping and mopping, dusting, vacuuming, taking…

24. January 2020| by Ankars

5 Things a Professional Cleaning Business in Melbourne Wants You to Know

Being a commercial cleaner is, er … interesting. We get to meet thousands of people who become part of our daily lives. The thing about working with people is, you realise very quickly how different we all are. As a result, it’s easy to fall into misunderstandings, especially if communication isn’t transparent. Sometimes we stay…

24. December 2019| by Ankars

Dismissed! 4 Popular Myths About Commercial Cleaning in Port Melbourne

How many times have you rolled your eyes at the suggestion that you may need to outsource your office cleaning needs? What made you sceptical about the idea? Perhaps you already have a company that does your cleaning, but you’re unhappy with their work. Or you tried it once, and you weren’t convinced. Many business…

16. December 2019| by Ankars

5 Top Tips for Choosing A Commercial Cleaning Company In Richmond

Every company has a process they follow for recruiting new employees. Why? Well, because you don’t want to waste your hard-earned money paying the wrong person while they flop at their job. The same should be true when it comes to selecting a suitable commercial cleaning company in Richmond. You can’t just leave it up…

27. November 2019| by Ankars

A Few Key Things to Consider When Hiring an Office Cleaner In Melbourne

Who wants to spend valuable time going through the nitty-gritty of a commercial cleaning hire? Nobody. Who wants to hire the wrong company and flush valuable money down the sink? Nobody. It’s not always easy finding the right office cleaner in Melbourne. Many posers are vying for your attention alongside professionals. The only way to…

20. November 2019| by Ankars

Why Do it Yourself When You Can Hire Expert Home Cleaning Services?

There’s a funny thing about house cleaning… it never ends! People sometimes even use cleaning as a reason to procrastinate, saying that they can’t do something important until their home is spotless. Our professional home cleaning service has helped thousands of people in Melbourne to stop putting off their dreams in the name of shiny…

24. October 2019| by Ankars

Carpet Cleaning Tips From The Experts

Carpets can add amazing ambiance to any office or commercial premises. Dirty carpets, however, have the opposite effect. A dirty and rundown looking carpet will put any customer or investor off and can do some serious damage to your reputation if you have a business. Never fear, however! We have some carpet cleaning tips from…

20. September 2019| by Ankars
As our corporate office cleaning contractor we could not be more happy with Ankars Cleaning Service. They not only clean our premises but supply all our cleaning products, office food and drinks, at...
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